I am having trouble getting a Flex application (with as3httpclient) to work. I compiled it (compc -load-config=build-swc.xml), put the as3httpclientlib-1_0_6.swc in my libs dir, and ran
mxmlc -compiler.include-libraries lib/as3crypto-1_3_patched.swc
lib/as3httpclientlib-1_0_6.swc lib/corelib.swc -- App.mxml
In my actionscript I
import org.httpclient.HttpClient;
but still I receive the error
Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: HttpStatusEvent
client.listener.onStatus = function(event:HttpStatusEvent):void {
... . Any ideas?
btw / before compiling "compc -load-config=build-swc.xml" I hade to change
in order for it to compile because my flex version doesn't have a playerglobal.swc for Flash 9. 8o