



We are considering of using CouchDB for our Systems now. Anybody knows there is a function or framework in CouchDB supports handling different languages of the the same document?


CouchDB documents are Unicode text using UTF-8, so all languages supported by Unicode are supported.


If your functions fall out of UTF-8, then you probably want to attach them to documents as attachments. That way you can also easily keep multiple translations associated with the same document. For example, have a document that holds the meta data and then an attachment for each language. Keep the attachment names standardized - ie., by en_US or whatever - and you can easily check to see if you have the given translation.

Sam Bisbee
Sam, yes this fits the needs, should work with attachments and documents , I simply missed the idea of META data documents linked to the actual content documents.
As a side note, I think that's one of the most confusing things for people when they start to look at CouchDB: it describes itself as a document based database, but it's made to store more than just documents. Ie., you can store users, transactions, shopping carts, logs, coordinates, and really anything else. Cheers.
Sam Bisbee
Thanks Sam, just Looping After sequences for 'Dokuments' now ;)
Glad to be of help :-)
Sam Bisbee

wikipedia helps understand couchdb's concept of document : from their CouchDB page you can , you then find link text .
