We are considering of using CouchDB for our Systems now. Anybody knows there is a function or framework in CouchDB supports handling different languages of the the same document?
CouchDB documents are Unicode text using UTF-8, so all languages supported by Unicode are supported.
2010-08-21 11:49:14
If your functions fall out of UTF-8, then you probably want to attach them to documents as attachments. That way you can also easily keep multiple translations associated with the same document. For example, have a document that holds the meta data and then an attachment for each language. Keep the attachment names standardized - ie., by en_US or whatever - and you can easily check to see if you have the given translation.
Sam Bisbee
2010-08-21 23:35:12
Sam, yes this fits the needs, should work with attachments and documents , I simply missed the idea of META data documents linked to the actual content documents.
2010-08-22 08:34:12
As a side note, I think that's one of the most confusing things for people when they start to look at CouchDB: it describes itself as a document based database, but it's made to store more than just documents. Ie., you can store users, transactions, shopping carts, logs, coordinates, and really anything else. Cheers.
Sam Bisbee
2010-08-23 17:24:15
Thanks Sam, just Looping After sequences for 'Dokuments' now ;)
2010-08-25 06:53:40
Glad to be of help :-)
Sam Bisbee
2010-08-25 18:27:39