



Although it most likely doesn't have anything to do with resharper... here's my setup

  • VS2010 Ultimate 10.0.31319.1
  • JetBrains Resharper 5.1 (C# Edition 5.1.1727.12)

I've configured the shortcut via VS2010 Tools > Options > Keyboard > C# Scheme

Command Resharper_UnitTestSession_RunAll
Shortcut Ctrl+Alt+\ (Global)
Use new shortcut in Global

Now I open a unit test session using Resharper. I see the little "Run All Tests" button (in the toolwindow) has a tooltip which says (Ctrl + Alt + ). But the shortcut only works if the focus is within the Unit Test Session toolwindow.

I'd like it to work (at the bare minimum) from the text editor which is where I spend the most editor. But for some reason, it just won't work.

Maybe I am tired and someone else can point out what I am missing... Thanks for reading.

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