



Calling all FreePascal and/or Lazarus big-shots!!

Looking at the bulk of the questions tagged [FPC] or [Lazarus] we can find that it's Marco van de Voort that will answer most of them...

But why?

Where's the rest of the FPC and/or Lazarus community?

There is a growing number of Delphi people around here, but I do miss some more interaction inside the FPC and Lazarus.

So this would be the opportunity for the big Free Pascal guys to introduce themselves and get us "fans" a bit more interested.

Thanks guys!

+2  A: 

Well, you can wait for the people to show up here, or you can go there to their maillist and fora.

Free Pascal works mostly via maillists (though there is the community site too), lazarus has a fairly active forum on

Marco van de Voort
+1 For proving his theory correct - that you answer all FPC questions! :)
Darian Miller