While a simple text editor (below edit.com from MS-DOS) may be realized easier in a static class only (because the functionality is very limited), as soon as you get to menus and dialogs, you will find yourself in dire need of object oriented language features.
Personally, I frown upon procedural code anyway - I prefer a mixture of OOP (program structure, separation of functionality, etc...) and functional programming (implementation).
This may sound like a religious argument of some sort, but I find my personal style quite recommendable. Usually I need far less lines of code (which are much easier to understand) than most of the developers I work with and my code feels much more "agile" and "flexible".
Try it. :-)
Oh - and polymorphy is not hard to understand. Simply imagine that you (as a person) can be handled as:
a) Man or woman
b) European, asian, american, african, oceanian (I hope this is right), etc...
c) By your name
d) By your occupation
But still you are a person - and a living being, and a part of the universe... and YOU.
So for someone who asks you for statistical reasons a few questions, you may be handled as a, say, woman from oceania (I don't know where you come from, but lets just assume) who is, hm, 42 years old and lived in, hm, Switzerland for 23 years (hahaha).
For your employer, you may be competent in programming and talking to your collegues.
However, HOW you fill those roles is dependent on your implementation. This is you.