





There's a proprietary application that I need that is packaged within a live ISO based on Ubuntu 9.10, so I'd like to try and transplant it into a Ubuntu 10.04 ISO and add/remove applications and drivers.

I have no idea if it's going to work, but in any case, I need an application that I would launch before running the proprietary app, point it to the main binary of that proprietary application, and expect to see all the locations/files it uses so that I can see what directories and files it expects to find.

Does any Linux application do this?

Thank you.

+1  A: 

You'll need 'strace'. But note that if there's a file which is used only in some rare conditions, i.e. not every time you are running the application, you'll not see it accessed.

Thanks for the tip. Looks like it's the best that's available in Linux, although it'd be very useful to watch/parse a program to get the full list of files it tries to access, even in unexercised sections.