From your Array Collection create a value object, a class or an interface making sure the properties names are identical and create the relevant accessors for it
public class DataObject
protected var _classDescription:String;
public function get classDescription():String
return _classDescription;
public function set classDescription(value:String):void
_classDescription = value;
When you retrieve your object form your ArrayCollection, you can loop thru the object's properties to assign them to your value object
var dataObj:DataObject = new DataObject();
for each ( var prop:String in collectionObject )
if( dataObj.hasOwnProperty(prop) )
dataObj[prop] = collectionObject[prop] ;
This object should extend Sprite so that you can add your image as a child and dispatch a mouse event. In the images container, the value object would add a MouseEvent listener and the listening function could be something like this:
private function mouseClickHandler(event:MouseEvent ):void
var target:YourValueObject = event.currentTarget as YourValueObject;
trace ( target.classDescription );