Software project (P) uses a library (L) that is licensed under Apache-2.0.
AFAIU, according to the License text, binary builds of (P) that includes build-time embedding of L (in this case, run-time-linking is impractical, border-line impossible), needs to include the ASL-2 license text in verbatim.
In my eyes, that seems unnecessarily redundant, and for some software (single-file binary distributions), it's highly impractical.
Are there any common-use precedent for simply acknowledging L with license-ref in the P about-dialog, or am I even misinterpreting the license-text?
CLARIFICATION: I have read the license, and I know that the license text states that the full license-text must be redistributed with "The Work". The question is whether the ASL2-full text is really necessary in a single-exe binary distribution, or if just the notice in the about-dialog and a url to the license would suffice.