Question: Is there a more effective way to compare data bytewise than using the comparison operator of the c++ list container?
I have to compare [large? 10kByte < size < 500kByte] amounts of data bytewise, to verify the integrity of external storage devices.
Therefore I read files bytewise and store the values in a list of unsigned chars. The recources of this list are handled by a shared_ptr, so that I can pass it around in the program without the need to worry about the size of the list
typedef boost::shared_ptr< list< unsigned char > > = contentPtr;
namespace boost::filesystem = fs;
contentPtr GetContent( fs::path filePath ){
contentPtr actualContent (new list< unsigned char > );
// Read the file with a stream, put read values into actual content
return actualContent;
This is done twice, because there're always two copies of the file. The content of these two files has to be compared, and throw an exception if a mismatch is found
void CompareContent() throw( NotMatchingException() ){
// this part is very fast, below 50ms
contentPtr contentA = GetContent("/fileA");
contentPtr contentB = GetContent("/fileB");
// the next part takes about 2secs with a file size of ~64kByte
if( *contentA != *contentB )
throw( NotMatchingException() );
My problem is this:
With increasing file size the comparison of the lists gets very slow. Working with file sizes of about 100kByte, it will take up to two seconds to compare the content. Increasing and decreasing with the file size....
Is there a more effective way of doing this comparison?
Is it a problem of the used container ?