




We user svn at work and now we are introducing RFT (Rational Functional Tester).

Is there any chance I can use existing svn to version my RFT scripts? I understood that one RFT script contains is not equal only one file.

  • RFT v runs on windows xp
  • svn runs on linux

  • is it good enough to version .class and .java files?
+2  A: 

You can use Subversion to version any file. However, text and binary files are treated differently. For text files it is possible to view differences line by line, with binary files you can simply check out an older version.

+1  A: 

Install VMware Ubuntu on the Windows XP developer boxes and run linux on it.

We did exactly that in our previous organization. All the developers had VMware Ubuntu installed on our Windows machines. You can can Eclipse or MyEclipse or RFT from there, version the RFT code from the IDE or from command prompt.

I have to run RFT under win as the testing must be done using IE
I understand. As far as I know you can run IE on linux. I remember using IE on ubuntu, just check out this link. http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page Hope this helps. Probably a Linux admin should know the answer to your questions regarding installation of IE on linux, consult one in your organisation if possible.
we use another product on top of RFT. Not sure if it is available for linux ...