Hello everyone,
I come from ASP.NET and I am learning Flex now. I don't know if I can do what I want in flex, so imagine this in ASP: I have an aspx page that loads a Login.ascx control, the control checks if login is correct, and if so the aspx page loads the XXX.ascx control (so there is only one control visible).
I want to do more or less the same in Flex: I have the main application with the code that connects to the database, check the login, and if its correct it loads a new module. I have made everything until the module load, I mean, I have the main application (Login.mxml) associated to a Login.as, and a Module.mxml associated to a Module.as. When the user press the login button (in Login.mxml), a method is fired and checks the login. If it is correct, it shows the new module.
My problem is that it is shown in the same page that the login page, instead of "changing" the page. I have used two ways to do that: ModuleLoader and PopUpManager, and both load the new module in the same page.
QUESTION: How can I load, inside an application, a Flex module in a different page?