Hello, for my program I need pseudo random integers with different ranges. Until now I used the rand() function but it has it's limitations.
I found the boost::random library to be a much better replacement but I didn't want to create random generators all over the place.
( I need random integers in many classes, because it's a stress test software that makes every decision pseudo-randomly ( -> a test run has to be repeatable by setting the same start seed ) ).
That's why I capsuled boost::random away in my own class.
The idea behind this is to ease the use so that it is almost as straightforward as the C++ rand() method
#include "boost/shared_ptr.hpp"
#include "boost/random.hpp"
class Random{
typedef boost::shared_ptr< Random > randomPtr;
typedef boost::mt19937 randomGeneratorType;
static randomPtr Get(){
static randomPtr randomGen( new RandomGenerator() );
return randomGen;
void SetSeed(int seed){
randomGenerator.seed( seed );
int Random( int lowerLimit, int upperLimit ){
boost::uniform_int<> distribution( lowerLimit, upperLimit );
boost::variate_generator< randomGeneratorType&, boost::uniform_int<> >
LimitedInt( randomGenerator , distribution );
return LimitedInt();
// prevent creation of more than one object of the LogManager class
// use the Get() method to get a shared_ptr to the object
randomGenerator() //initialize randomGenerator with default constructor
RandomGenerator( const RandomGenerator& orig ){};
randomGeneratorType randomGenerator;
Generating a random number within a given range will now be as easy as
#include "Random.h"
Random::Get()->SetSeed( 123123 ); // If you want to make the run repeatable
int dice = Random::Get()->Random(1,6);
Is there anything wrong with this way of generating random numbers?
Large overhead I didn't recognize ?
Pure Evil or outdated programming technique ?
( I'm still new to c++ and want to improve my skills, and I have found that Stack overflow is the best place to get high quality advice )