What's the best way to do file IO in Scala 2.8?
All I want to do is cut a massive CSV file into lots of smaller ones with, say 1000 lines of data per file, and each file retaining the header.
What's the best way to do file IO in Scala 2.8?
All I want to do is cut a massive CSV file into lots of smaller ones with, say 1000 lines of data per file, and each file retaining the header.
For simple tasks like this I would use scala.io.Source
. An example would look like this:
val input = io.Source.fromFile("input.csv").getLines()
if (input.hasNext) {
// assuming one header line
val header = List(input.next())
for ((i, lines) <- Iterator.from(1) zip input.grouped(linesPerFile)) {
val out = createWriter(i) // Create a file for index i
(header.iterator ++ lines.iterator).foreach(out.println)