



I've been a long time user of Visual SVN (pretty much since the beginning), but I often have problems with little things like renaming files in a solution and then not committing properly (or whatever) and causing the commit to break.

Now I've just seen that Axosoft is giving RocketSVN away FREE (for a limited time), and I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts on this?

Is it worth the switch? Is it good subversion software? Does it have any deal breaking bugs?

Thanks in advance.

Since everyone is saying that RocketSVN is built on AnkhSVN, can I ask. What are the differences between AnkhSVN and VisualSVN? Is one better than the other?


Have you tried AnkhSVN? RocketSVN is a version of AnkhSVN with a few changes applied on top, so it's likely AnkhSVN will fit your needs.

Noah Richards
The difference with RocketSVN is the integration with OnTime. Since RocketSVN is currently free, I don't see a need to introduce another SVN solution into the mix.
Fair point :) I didn't realize you also used OnTime.
Noah Richards

If it is just an AnkhSVN client it should work fairly good. With AnkhSVN we have 2 issues, first it sometimes will crash in visual studio 2005 when committing. sometime .design.cs files are renamed with a capital D, when this happens a commit fails. Both issues are rarely seen and I can not reproduce them at te moment.

When one of these issues occurs the commits just fails so the repository stays consistent. From my point of view it is a stable and very usable client.

Thanks for that answer. I have installed it and it appears to be really quite nice. Still waiting to see what the OnTime integration looks like.