



Just starting off on iPhone development and I'm looking for some input as to the best platform/framework upon which to build at the moment. I've looked at various options a year or so ago such as cocos2d, unity, and others, however I'm looking for some more current input from those in the trenches.

I am starting on an RTS Diablo-esque game and would like to understand what the highest recommendations at the moment may be with the most robust APIs, etc. for iPhone/iPad development. In addition, as a plus but not required, it would be nice to understand how portable the platform would be to the desktop. Bonus++: portable to other mobile devices?

Thanks in advance for any input!

+1  A: 

Cocos2D because you can incorporate Tiled map editor into your game making RPG/RTS design (relatively) easy. But, that's just my opinion you can do it however you want technically. And just going to the site now it seems they have released a version of Cocos2d that will work on the Mac too.

There is also a cocos2d port for android. I don't know if it has feature parity yet.
Colin Gislason
Very good remarks, thanks for the updates on cocos2d. Are there any readily integrateable 3D libs that tie in nicely with cocos2d, or would the stock opengl implementation from  work out best when tying in some 3D to an app?
@ylluminate: I do not know much about 3D. I would go with the OpenGL ES route for it... but others have tried Unity and stuff. I don't think there is any easy way to port 3D into Cocos2D without trying to do stuff like OpenGL ES (hence it's cocos*2d* not cocos3d).
@thyrgle: Right, that is what I fear. I am, though, wondering about taking a c or c++ lib and porting it over to interface with cocos2d. It seems that perhaps that might facilitate proper integration and allow for a cocos2d+3d ability. Not sure how necessary it would be at this time, but it seems interesting nonetheless.