



I'm curious if anyone knows of any frameworks that enable asynchronous multiplayer gaming in iOS?

I know GameKit/Game Center eases synchronous (realtime) multiplayer gaming - I'm thinking of something more like Words With Friends. There would obviously need to be a server-side element that I'd have to provide, to store game state and send "your turn" notifications - just wondering if anyone's already invented some of this wheel or not.

+1  A: 

I am not sure I interpret your question correctly. OpenFeint is not suitable to your needs, I suppose?

If not, you might consider checking out (a multiplayer server, very scalable, allows you to program server-side extensions in a number of languages).

Joseph Tura
I wasn't actually aware that OpenFeint did so :). I suppose that would be my answer.
Don Jones

How did you solve this? I have the same question.

I'm going to be using OpenFeint. Their framework has good support for async turn-based gaming.
Don Jones