I am using Netbeans 6.8 with Windows OS 7.
I downloaded "glassfish-installer-v2.1.1-b31g-windows" executable jar file to my harddrive. I open this jar with Java Platform SE binary by right clicking the jar file and chosing "Open." A folder called "glassfish" is placed in the same folder as the jar. The glassfish server is now downloaded to my harddrive???
I open Netbeans and then chose Tools->Servers->Add Server. The name I use is MyGlassfish2.1.1. From the Server choices I chose GlassFish v2.x in the box above the Name and click "Next" button.
I then try to add a Server Location. I try to place the path to the folder "glassfish" but it continues the path into the glassfish folder. For instance I try to put in "C:\Program Files (x86)\glassfish" and select the "Choose" button. The dialogue box then goes into the glassfish folder which list the following folders:
bin docs imq javadb jbi lib META-INF samples updatecenter
I try to go into each one but doesn't seem to accept this.
Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm really a newbie at this Server stuff. Totally lost now. Help!!!