




I want to know if there is a tool I can download enabling me to use my old Motorola Razor's original hardware to display anything I want (i.e. use it for a name tag). The phone is flashed for sprint. It wont get past a boot screen, so I need to re flash it. I just want a tool to make a simple program that can run off of the original hardware to display text and possibly a yellow background color.

Any help?


Nothing you could obtain legally.


If it won't get past a boot screen, you likely need more than a piece of software. Either the hardware is broken or the firmware is messed up. In the first case you're probably out of luck, and in the second case you'd need some kind of in-circuit debugger/probe and some information about how to connect it and re-flash the memory (the type of probe needed and the flashing info are most likely not publicly available, nor would be a firmware image to re-flash the phone with). Either way, it's going to be much more trouble than it's worth.


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