Hi everyone, From my understanding,
TreeMap :
1. Insert O( logN )
2. Delete O( logN )
3. Retrieve O( logN )
HashMap :
1. Insert O( 1 ) -> O( N )
2. Delete O( 1 ) -> O( N )
3. Retrieve O( 1 ) -> O( N )
I know that TreeMap using Red-Black tree as internal data structure. However, I'm not so sure about HashMap's internal data structure.
- Is HaspMap implemented using Hash-Table?
- If the answer is "Yes", then does it use array-base's implementation or reference-base's implementation?
- And if it used array-base then is it sorted or unsorted?
I'm working on a small project using Java to demonstrate the runtime complexity of all operations( insert, delete, retrieve ) between HashMap and TreeMap, but I don't really know how to link the theory formula with actual result from running a program. For example, from running a quick test : 1. Insert 10,000 elements 2. Delete 100 elements 3. Retrieve 100 elements
I got this info:
Create time : 6348015 nano seconds.
Remove time : 98458 nano seconds.
Retrieve Found time : 59762 nano seconds.
Retrieve Not Found time : 39097 nano seconds.
--- end ---
Create time : 20518163 nano seconds.
Remove time : 274221 nano seconds.
Retrieve Found time : 112072 nano seconds.
Retrieve Not Found time : 168442 nano seconds.
--- end ---
I would like to know how can I find the link these times with the theoretical time complexity such as O( N ) or O( logN )? And this result surprised me since I always think TreeMap would beat HashMap badly. Could anyone give me some brief explanation about these things? Thanks in advance.