Solved via:
append = append+'/output/'+output;
var url = '/producer/json/index/period/'+period+'/empties/'+empties+'/movies/'+movies+'/fields/'+fields+'/start/'+start+'/end/'+end+append+'';
url: ''+url+'',
success: function(msg) {
location.href = ''+url+'';
I have a piece of Javascript that pings a URL and updates a table. I now want to output a CSV file of that.
So my PHP side is done, the file is created and output correctly if I view the URL the ajax pings.
However, how do I get jQuery/Javascript to output the content its retrieved as a download?
public function outputCSV($main, $fields) {
header('Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate');
header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
header('Content-type: application/excel');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ProducerAreaOutput-'.date('r').'.csv"');
$array = array();//make a new array, put the fields first
$array[0] = $fields;
foreach ($main as $item) {//loop existing rows
$array[] = $item;
$csv = self::array_to_csv($array, false);
echo $csv;
The Javascript
function byMonth(output) {
var undefined;
oTable = $('#stats').dataTable();
var start = $('#year-start').val()+'-'+$('#month-start').val()+'-1';
var end = $('#year-end').val()+'-'+$('#month-end').val()+'-30';
var empties = $('#empties').val();
var period = $('#period').val();
var movies = $('#movies').val();
var site_id = $('#site_id').val();
var studio_id = $('#studio_id').val();
var movie_id = $('#movie_id').val();
var append = '';
append = (site_id > 0) ? append+'/site_id/'+site_id : append;
append = (studio_id > 0) ? append+'/studio_id/'+studio_id : append;
append = (movie_id > 0) ? append+'/movie_id/'+movie_id : append;
if (output === 'CSV') {
append = append+'/output/'+output;
$.ajax({ url: '/producer/json/index/period/'+period+'/empties/'+empties+'/movies/'+movies+'/fields/'+fields+'/start/'+start+'/end/'+end+append+''});