There exists algorithm that does exactly this for positive examples.
Regular expression are equivalent to DFA (Deterministic Finite Automata).
The strategie is mostly always the same:
Look at Alergia (for the theory) and MDI algorithm (for real usage) if generate an Deterministic Automaton is enough.
The Alergia algorithm and MDI are both described here:
If you want to generate smaller models you can use another algorithm. The article describing it is here:
His homepage is here:
If you want to use negative example, I suggest you to use a simple rule (coloring) that prevent two states of the DFA to be merged.
If you ask these people, I am sure they will share their code source.
I made the same kind of algorithm during my Ph.D. for probabilistic automata. That means, you can associate a probability to each string, and I have made a C++ program that "learn" Weighted Automata.
Mainly these algorithm work like that:
from positive examples: {abb, aba, abbb}
create the simplest DFA that accept exactly all these examples:
-> x -- a --> (y) -- b --> (z)
b --> t -- b --> (v)
x cant got to state y by reading the letter 'a' for example.
The states are x, y, z, t and v. (z) means it is a finite state.
then "merge" states of the DFA: (here for example the result after merging states y and t.
/ \
v | a,b ( <- this is a loop :-) )
x -- a -> (y,t) _/
the new state (y,t) is a terminal state obtaining by merging y and t. And you can read the letter a and b from it.
Now the DFA can accept: a(a|b)* and it is easy to construct the regular expression from the DFA.
Which states to merge is a choice that makes the main difference between algorithms.