



I´m trying to build my flex modular app, and got the following scenario

Portal (which includes, 2 modules:) -Mod1 (.swf) -Mod2 (.swf)

Also, i have Mod1-API (.swc)

The Mod1-API, defines interfaces which are implemented on the Mod1 (.swf). Both the Mod1 and Mod2 swfs import the Mod1-API swc.

I´m trying to call the API method on the Mod2. On Mod2 I´ve the interface, since it is shared via the Mod1-API project.

What I´m trying to achieve is the real implementation class loading on Mod2, via reflection, using the getDefinitionByName method, but it says its not defined.

So, is there a way to achieve it?

I mean, how from the mod2 load a class that is on the Mod1 project, returning just the interfacce to the mod2 so it can call methods just like an ordinary API method?

+1  A: 

It depends on where you are loading your class definitions. Flex uses both Security Domains and Application Domains to partition code which has been loaded.

If you want Module 2 to access code loaded via Module 1, they need to be loaded into both the same security and application domains.

This should give you a good start.

Gregor Kiddie
Thank u very much, worked like a charm!
Luiz Henrique Martins Lins Rol