



What are the best Python projects to study if one wants to look at the codebase and see how well-designed Python projects are structured and coded?

Open source is preferred for obvious reasons, but they could be closed-source too. It could be interesting to see how the interface or API is designed.

Small projects would be as interesting as big projects (the bigger the more complex, but that does not have to be a disadvantage).

+2  A: 

Try exploring top Python projects on Github or Google Code

+3  A: 

I would sugggest checking out Django - an open source web development framework or Exaile - an open source music player for GTK+.

+2  A: 

Django is the first that comes up my mind.

WxPython if you want to learn how to wrap a C/C++ library.

Mercurial is also a well written piece of python software.

+1  A: 

Since you didn't specify a specific domain, you can look at, there you'll find a lot of projects, from simple CGI Programming to Game and 3D Graphics, passing by Networking Programming, Scientific and Numeric computing and much more.

Eliseo Ocampos