My question is how do i get the grails navigation plugin to show subItems?
I did a simple thing and added the following to top of my Controller:
class DummyController {
static navigation = [group: 'tabs',
title: 'dummy',
action: 'list',
subItems: ['create', 'save']
def create = {....
In main.gsp I added the following:
<div id="menu">
<nav:render group="tabs"/><br/>
<nav:renderSubItems group="tabs"/>
Expecting this to work instead i get an exception:
Cannot invoke method toLowerCase() on null object
Jira has this bug filed and someone mentions adding:
if(!controllerName) return out
To the top of def renderSubItems
function in NavigationTagLib.groovy
which i have. It now no longer throws that error but my sub-menu items still dont display.
Any help on how to get the sub-menus displaying would be greatly appreicated Thanks