



hi Through"sendMessage",null,str,boo); i would like to pass both str is a string variable and boo is a boolean variable parameters to red5 and from there i would llike to get both the values in flex application. i can send one parameter and can retrieve it, but 2nd parameter if i m passing wat will be the server side code and how to retrieve back.

Server code:

  public void sendMessage(List<String> params) {

     msgs_so = getSharedObject(roomScope, "message");
     msgs_so.setAttribute("receiveMessage", params);

with this i can receive one message and can broadcast to all clients who share the same msgs_so(sharedObject). if i m passing 2 params and my server code is,

public void updates(Object[] params) { String update_msg = (String)params[0]; boolean update_var = (Boolean) params[1]; ..............? }

something like above but how to read them at client side and server side using red5 and flex3. thanks in advance.