



I need to make a custom list based component that orders the items in its data provider in tile format (using tile layout). Also, the component should have a maxNumberOfItems, based on which a number of "empty spots" must be rendered if the length of the data provider is less than maxNumberOfItems. What I do not want is affecting the data provider in any way, for instance, by adding fake objects to fill it up to max length. What I also want is to be able to specify an item renderer for the empty spot as well, i.e when rendered the component must present data items in one particular way, and empty spots in a different way.

Please suggest the best approach (flex 4).


The best approach is to extend the list class and add your new properties to achieve the functionality you desire.

Or possibly to hire someone to do that for you. How about you start the work and come back when you have some specific questions about issues you're running into.