




Hi Stackies,

I am curruntly working as an internship in a company who want to try to make software for the linux platform. Since they are a .net minded company, they want me to lookin to mono. I kinda have to look if it stable for their applications and server apps.

I am now studieing the MEF and MAF ( Managed AddIn Framework ) frameworks in mono.

Does anyone got some expierence in building applications with the MEF and MAF framework in MONO? Did you expierience some problems on mono ect? (and solutions are welcome (: )

I tested some easy tutorial code of MEF and that worked fine with mono (although I didnt used al functions they give me). About MAF I didnt found that much that could help me. Any links that could help me? To be more specific, I wonder there exist some post about MONO & MAF if it works or not.

I already thanku to read my questions,


+2  A: 

MEF works on Mono, once you apply 2 patches so that it works on case-sensitive file systems. Mono 2.8 will ship with MEF in the next few weeks: http://mono-project.com/Release_Notes_Mono_2.8.

I use MEF for Pinta on .Net and Mono: http://github.com/jpobst/Pinta. My usage is trivial, but it works great.

I do not know anything about MAF.

Could you tell me witch 2 patches? I seen IOmap, but i dont think that you meaned...
Has this been updated in the mono 2.8 preview?
+2  A: 

I am pretty sure MAF is not and will not be available on Mono.

The source code to MEF was released with a license that allowed it to be incorporated into Mono. The source code to MAF has not been released at all as far as I know, and I don't think there is any interest in rewriting it for Mono.

Daniel Plaisted