This I asked myself exactly.
According to the W3C this is for sure possible and we can display a website in different languages. We can also display a menu with other languages and store this in a cookie for the user so we can perfectly display a site in different languages for users.
So when a user is logged in we show default english, but he can pick from a menu a other language. We store this in a cookie and off we go. We CAN show all URL's in different languages.
However search engine breaks this possibility and INSIST we have a different URL for each language, and punish US for showing duplicate content!!! (Although the language is different the content/message is the same.... right???)
This method of working with search engines basicly suck. Although I also understand that WE (webdesigners) don't have a good option to tell a client in what languages a specific URL is available in (except using different URL's)
Ries vanTwisk