



Sort question: Is there a way to change the "Cancel" button text within a UISearchDisplayController to "Done" or "Close"?


I have a UITableView that contains a list of options, each option can be checked or unchecked.

I want to enable search through these options, so I've created and added a UISearchDisplayController.

The user will search for an item, and then perform actions on the items in the search results (i.e. will select/unselect certain items).

Once this is completed the user will then go back to the previous (unsearched) list of options.

The problem is that the only way to dismiss the UISearchDisplayController is to press the "Cancel" button. However "Cancel" is the wrong word here as the actions conducted while within the Search bar will be stored.

Therefore, is there a way to change the "Cancel" button text to "Done" or "Close"?