



Hey all,

I find a lot of svn commands out there to delete directories and files. Unfortunately, every time I run these commands, I get strange errors afterwards like 'not under version control' or 'conflict'. I'm just looking for a straightforward svn command that will allow me to delete all the directories under the MARKT directory below so I can then create new directories with the same nanme as the one I deleted, without any conflict arising:

[root@Proxima marketing]# cd MARKT
[root@Proxima MARKT]# ls
app  Capfile  config  db  doc  IDENTIFIED  lib  log  public  Rakefile  README  README.txt  script  test  tmp  vendor

I'm using mac OSX. Thanks for any response.


$ cd MARKT
$ cd ../
$ svn rm MARKT
$ svn commit -m "Deleting MARKT and everything inside"
$ mkdir MARKT
$ # copy over new materials into MARKT
$ svn add MARKT
$ svn commit -m "New MARKT"

But be sure the directories you are copying into newly created MARKT don't have .svn.

And please be informed that this is not the way one is supposed to use version controls.
