How do you solve created by including a header file with the same name as another header file already indirectly included as a result of another include?
For instance:
// src/blah/a.hpp
#ifndef A_HPP
#define A_HPP
namspace blah
class A
// src/blah/b.hpp
#ifndef B_HPP
#define B_HPP
#includes "a.hpp"
namspace blah
class B
// src/foo/a.hpp
#ifndef A_HPP
#define A_HPP
namspace foo
class A
// src/foo/c.hpp
#ifndef C_HPP
#define C_HPP
#includes "../b.hpp"
#includes "a.hpp" // won't be included due to multiple inclusion prevention
namspace foo
class C
In the last header file, a.hpp won't be included because of the multiple inclusion preprocessor guards. Really, this should be okay though since the classes are in different namespaces. I realize that the easy way is to just change the name of foo/a.hpp or to just give it a fake name in the multiple inclusion guard. Is there a better way?
EDIT I understand that you can solve this problem by using a more descriptive name in the #define and #ifndef directives (e.g. FOO_A_HPP and BLAH_A_HPP), but I want to know if that is the recommended or best way. Would some people recommend using a different file name as a better solution or does it not really matter? Would you recommend using the convention:
instead of
to give a better chance of avoiding these problems in general?