Hello All,
I have the following molten data:
X variable value
1 StationA SAR11.cluster 0.001309292
2 StationB SAR11.cluster 0.002712237
3 StationC SAR11.cluster 0.002362708
4 StationD SAR11.cluster 0.002516751
5 StationE SAR11.cluster 0.004301075
6 StationF SAR11.cluster 0.0
I used the following code to chart a bubblechart of the data:
ggplot(foomelt, aes(x=foomelt$Station, y=variable, angle=45, size=(value))) +
+geom_point() + opts(theme_bw(), axis.text.x = theme_text(size=10, angle = 70))
+ scale_area()
All is well except that I want to ignore the 0 (zero) values and only use for the scaling of the dots values between all those that are grater than zeroes and the max value. I don't want to delete the zero values rows from the data because in order to prove a point I want all the stations and variables to be included and to have those with the zero value left blank.
I managed to use this to ignore the zero values but scaling does not work:
ggplot(foomelt, aes(x=foomelt$Station, y=variable, angle=45, size=(value>0))) +
+ geom_point() + opts(theme_bw(), axis.text.x = theme_text(size=10, angle = 70))
+ scale_area("Ratio") + scale_size_identity()
any help would be greatly appreciated.