
Scatter Plots in C++

What is the best way to graph scatter plots in C++? Do you write data to a file and use another tool? Is there a library like matplotlib in Python? ...

Are there any graph/plotting/anything-like-that libraries for Python 3.0?

As per the title. I am trying to create a simple scater plot, but haven't found any Python 3.0 libraries that can do it. Note, this isn't for a website, so the web ones are a bit useless. ...

Comprehensive graphing and charting solutions...?

Hi All, I have need to produce LINE, BAR, and PIE charts in Rails. I have found several that do all these. However the one caveat is that I can never find a solution that does all as well as XY-SCATTER. I've looked at Gruff,Scruffy,Gnuplot, etc. and none of them do "everything". Can anyone recommend a local (i.e. doesn't require net...

plotting points on top of image in R

These days I am extensively using R to scatter plots. Most of the plotting is concerned with image processing, Recently I was thinking of plotting the scatter plots over an image. For example, I want something like this, The background needs to be filled with my image. With a particular scale. And I should be able to draw points (co-or...

Scatter Plot 3D for Web Application

I am looking for a Scatter Plot 3D component for a Web application. Right now I am using JMathPlot (inside a Java Applet) to produce something like this: JMathPlot is fine, but is missing some required functionality (I am especially interested in having tooltips for the plot points). Are there any alternatives? Any interactive web te...

Java: Really simple scatter plot utility

I know there are many comparisons of java plotting libraries out there, but I'm not finding what I need. I just want a mind-numbingly simple toolkit that creates images of scatterplots from a set of coordinates. No GUI, no interaction, no fancy display, just a basic XY coordinate system with points. It wouldn't be the end of the world t...

Scatter Graph with multiple "scatter lines"

Ok, I know about JFreeChart and others, but I'm coding my own simple scatter graph. I've already got a box chart down (without y-axis labels but that shouldn't be a huge problem when I explain it in my report). I've got a basic scatter graph class, however I've tried to change it so that I can add in different scatter values. It works,...

Line of best fit scatter plot

Hi, I'm trying to do a scatter plot with a line of best fit in matlab, I can get a scatter plot using either scatter(x1,x2) or scatterplot(x1,x2) but the basic fitting option is shadowed out and lsline returns the error 'No allowed line types found. Nothing done' Any help would be great, Thanks, Jon. ...

Good Scatter-plot plugin for JQuery (sample pic included)?

Hi all, I'm looking for a solid graphing plugin for JQuery that can give me an attractive scatterplot for use on my site. I really don't need a lot of fancy functionality -- just the ability to plot points on a graph based on the X-axis and Y-axis values I give it. The only somewhat peculiar requirement I have is that the dots have the...

How do I add a specific data label to CPScatterPlot?

I need to label the y-value of the starting point and the ending point on a Core-plot scatter chart. Can someone please help? Say, I have 6 data as a curve and would like to put a data label (y-value) a bit higher on the 1st and the 6th points. The library I use is the core-plot library... Thanks! ...

How can a data ellipse be superimposed on a ggplot2 scatterplot?

Hi, I have an R function which produces 95% confidence ellipses for scatterplots. The output looks like this, having a default of 50 points for each ellipse (50 rows): [,1] [,2] [1,] 0.097733810 0.044957994 [2,] 0.084433494 0.050337990 [3,] 0.069746783 0.054891438 I would like to superimpose a number of suc...

Matlab - plot multiple data sets on a scatter plot

Hey all, I have 2 sets of data (Ax, Ay; Bx, By) - I'd like to plot both of these data sets on a scatter plot with different colors, but can't seem to get it to work because it seems scatter() does not work like plot(). Is it possible to do this? I've tried... scatter(Ax, Ay, 'g', Bx, By, 'b') And scatter(Ax, Ay, 'g') scatter(Bx, By,...

Correlation Scatter-matrix plot with different point size (in R)

I just came a cross this nice code that makes this scatter matrix plot: And wanted to implement it to a likret scale variables (integers of 1 to 5) by making the dot's sizes/colors (in the lower triangle) differ according to how many options of that type occurs (like the effect the jitter might have given me). Any idea on how to do t...

Fixing color in scatter plots in matplotlib

I want to fix the color range on multiple scatter plots and add in a colorbar to each plot (which will be the same in each figure). Essentially, I'm fixing all aspects of the axes and colorspace etc. so that the plots are directly comparable by eye. For the life of me, I can't seem to figure out all the various ways of fixing the color...

Easiest way to plot values as symbols in scatter plot?

In an answer to an earlier question of mine regarding fixing the colorspace for scatter images of 4D data, Tom10 suggested plotting values as symbols in order to double-check my data. An excellent idea. I've run some similar demos in the past, but I can't for the life of me find the demo I remember being quite simple. So, what's the e...

How to make XY scatter-type plot chart using chart control?

I have X and Y data columns coming from database. I have to show scatter plot chart with Linear, Exponential, Log, power using chart control. How to do that? Please let me know. thanks in advance ...

How to draw only a range of values in geom_point from the ggplot2 package?

Hello All, I have the following molten data: X variable value 1 StationA SAR11.cluster 0.001309292 2 StationB SAR11.cluster 0.002712237 3 StationC SAR11.cluster 0.002362708 4 StationD SAR11.cluster 0.002516751 5 StationE SAR11.cluster 0.004301075 6 StationF SAR11.cluster 0.0 . . . etc. etc. I used the following code t...

Basic hexbin with R?

I have results from a survey. I am trying to create a graphic displaying the relationship of two variables: "Q1" and "Q9.1". "Q1" is the independent and "Q9.1" is the dependent. Both variables have responses from like scale questions: -2,-1,0,1,2. A typical plot places the answers on top of each other - not very interesting or informativ...