




here is a strange one: I created an overlay view to mimic a list picker like the Bluetooth device picker from Apple. It looks and works exactly like that one now, so no issues here. It contains a title, table view and cancel button and everything works fine. Now comes the part I can't resolve. As soon as I want to make it a modal dialog by "blocking" program flow with a CFRunLoopRun() (to only stop it when cancel is pressed or a list item is picked), it returns also as soon as I start a scroll action on the table. At that point no valid list pick or cancel press has occurred yet. No error message in the console. When I simply step back into the run loop as long as none of the valid exit criteria is met, the table view scrolling gets "strange". No more scroll bouncing and the scrollbars don't disappear. Picking items in a lower part of the scroll bar requires a bit of fiddling since the list tends to jump back to the top on less firm presses. All in all not that "nice". It still works more or less beside these contraints, but I have no explanation why this happens. As soon as I let it go to the normal run loop again, it all works smooth as it should.

Any ideas? Somebody else came across that one as well?

Regards, habitoti