



I have the following virtuslhost for my subversion repository and i want to create a link which always points at the latest stable tag. i tried this using mod_rewrite. it is accepted by apache without any errors but wont work. i also tried to rewrite .* which seems not work (yes i restarted apache)

    ServerAdmin             [email protected]

    ErrorLog                /srv/svn/error.log
    CustomLog               /srv/svn/access.log combined

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^/racesow0.5/latest-stable(.*) /racesow0.5/tags/0.5.4-stable$1

    <Location />
            DAV svn
            SVNParentPath /srv/svn

    <Location /racesow0.5>
            AuthType Basic
            AuthName "Racesow 0.5"
            AuthUserFile /srv/svn/racesow.passwd
            <LimitExcept GET OPTIONS PROPFIND REPORT>
                    Require valid-user

the rewrite log says

(2) init rewrite engine with requested uri /racesow0.5/latest-stable/sdk
(3) applying pattern '^/racesow0.5/latest-stable(.*)' to uri '/racesow0.5/latest-stable/sdk'
(2) rewrite '/racesow0.5/latest-stable/sdk' -> '/racesow0.5/tags/0.5.4-stable/sdk'
(2) local path result: /racesow0.5/tags/0.5.4-stable/sdk
(2) prefixed with document_root to /htdocs/racesow0.5/tags/0.5.4-stable/sdk
(1) go-ahead with /htdocs/racesow0.5/tags/0.5.4-stable/sdk [OK]

but when calling i get a 404 not found


The mod_rewrite documentation (see "Per-directory Rewrites") indicates that you should avoid putting directives inside of a <Location> section, declaring it "unsupported". I'd have to check in with the source code to see what impact that actually has, but it's best to just avoid it.

I'd suggest trying to move your rules out into the <VirtualHost>, and then also PT (passthrough) the rewrite in case any other module needs proper access to the rewritten path:

    ReweiteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^/racesow0.5/latest-stable(.*) /racesow0.5/tags/0.5.4-stable$1 [PT]
Tim Stone
already tried that but with no effect
@zolex - Hm..Maybe you should setup a [`RewriteLog`]( to see if `mod_rewrite` is being properly invoked in the first place. Currently you're getting 404s when you try to view `/racesow0.5/latest-stable`?
Tim Stone
i just did that and updated my question
+1  A: 

This will not work as Subversion will do its request on top of the location and then involves some "magic" look into your access log to see what is actually requested:


I do not know exactly how it works, but to simply "rewrite" the request will not work.

I would suggest to create a folder "/racesow0.5/latest-stable" and put an svn:external into this folder pointing to your latest release.

Peter Parker
that sounds nice, i'll try
hm can't make it work
added a folder /repp/latest, and on this folder added svn:externals latest URL, then you can checkout /latest and get a fodler stable containing the target :)
you mean you get something like /wc/latest/tag_1.5.x/further/src ?
Peter Parker
i do "svn export .../latest-stable ." and get the contents from the tag in ./latest-stable
just do it "svn export http:// ." (use . as destination! it will create another folder latest-stable in it) what you get is exactly http://
what do you want to get? The external will always create a subfolder with the name you provided next to the URL inside the svn:externals property.
Peter Parker