



I am performing a flip transition between two views and in the main viewcontroller that contains the two flipping views, I want to place an AdBannerView. I create the AdBannerView, and when I flip to the second view I want it to display. This is all working fine, I can click the advertisement and the full screen ad will display, but when I tap the X to close the fullscreen popup, it does absolutely nothing.

I have my delegate set for the AdBannerView, and cannot figure this one out. Has anyone else experienced the same thing? If I place the AdBannerView to display when the first of the two screens is displayed (by default the first one shows) and I do no flipping, the full page ad is able to close. Once I flip transition to the second view, and then back to the first view (as a test I am displaying the ad in both views) then the full screen banner will not close.

I appreciate any advice.
