



I read your post regarding creating a ChatBot using Office Communicator 2007 - I would like to know whether you ever got this answered, since I would like to create a Bot too - thanks. I have found the references for doing OC automation - but this is not what I like to do as it uses my current profile and cannot hold it's own conversations. So, I have another profile that I'd like to use to hold seperate conversations with other members from the company (on my machine)


UCMA (Unified Communications Managed API) is the recommended API for building bots - you'll want version 1.0 if you're developing against OCS 2007, version 2.0 for OCS 2007 R2, and version 3.0 for Lync Server 2010

A google for UCMA Bot Sample or something similar should get you started

Paul Nearney
Thank you , I did eventually get it going - the sample that most were using had a connector - and for some readon - they were using the RealTimeServerConnectionManager and when I changed to the RealTimeClientConnectionManager (just by fiddling) the solution began to resopnd. So - yes thanks.