




Hi all,

I'm on a small team of about 6 people. Most of the group is careful to make sure their commits don't break trunk and use short-lived feature branches when they need to work on something for more than a couple of days, so they can check in code without destabilizing things for everyone else.

And then there's the other guy. He is prolific but not thorough, and he's also frequently in the middle of juggling several tasks at once. For better or worse, those three things relate to each other. For a long time, in order to make everyone happy, we tried to have a long-lived "experimental" branch where he lived, and the rest of the developers lived in trunk. The idea was that we'd merge features as complete back from experimental, and do periodic updates from trunk->exp.

The result was as you might imagine: infrequent updates each way lead to divergence and several of the merging anti-patterns listed here.

I've read a lot of general svn branching guidelines, including the above link and Eric Sink's stuff which are frequently cited here. I'm not sure what to do. I fear we're going to to back to having him commit straight to trunk all the time, which will lead him to using in-code methods to keep from destabilizing other's work, which in turn will mean that we can't even use svn to help make the merging easier.

So ... advice?

+3  A: 

From: http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/branches/performance/doc/user/svn-best-practices.html

I would recommend you use The Branch-When-Needed system:

(This is the system used by the Subversion project.)

  • Users commit their day-to-day work on /trunk.
  • Rule #1: /trunk must compile and pass regression tests at all times. Committers who violate this rule are publically humiliated.
  • Rule #2: a single commit (changeset) must not be so large so as to discourage peer-review.
  • Rule #3: if rules #1 and #2 come into conflict (i.e. it's impossible to make a series of small commits without disrupting the trunk), then the user should create a branch and commit a series of smaller changesets there. This allows peer-review without disrupting the stability of /trunk.

Pros: /trunk is guaranteed to be stable at all times. The hassle of branching/merging is somewhat rare.

Cons: Adds a bit of burden to users' daily work: they must compile and test before every commit. However, if you use continuous integration, the CI server will do this for them and notify everyone it is broken/fixed.

Todd Moses
That's a *very* reasonable burden.
I agree with you both. But I fear that with the task juggling, that branch from Rule #3 will wind up being another long-lived monstrosity, if there's always something "in progress" in it.
+4  A: 

You need social advice, not technical advice. SO might not be a good place to get that.

That guy will have to learn how to properly behave in a team, or he will be a nuisance, no matter what you - technically - do about him. Since his problem is a social attitude thing, not a technical problem, it's very likely he'll be a problem in other ways, too.

People like that can very seriously break a team. If you cannot get him to learn to behave properly, he probably will.

I agree with you on the social notes. What I didn't mention is that he's also the project architect. He *wants* to be a team player, he's just not very good at it. (I've worked with people who didn't want to be team players in the past, there's a difference.) I'm trying to figure out if there's a way we can make that easier.
Some people just *can't* work in a team. If such people get a key position in a team, chances are high that the project will fail. Possibly you can establish an *interface* where the team, and this other guy can have an exchange. An experimental branch with a social component, a caretaker that takes responsibility for frequent merges for example.
@sbi: I also agree on your warning about breaking a team. There are days I'm tempted to wash my hands of it.
@zellus: I hear you. Unfortunately, I _was_ that caretaker, and I didn't keep up with it. I don't have a lot of faith that saying "this time for sure!" will fix it.
@khedron Usually I do pair programming when I encounter problems like this. IMO it's an easy way to spread detail knowledge about internal processes.

Quite a lot of effort for a single rogue coder, but you might just write a pre-commit hook which checks for 'bad practices' (either by tokenizing code & checking yourself, or by a an already built syntax checker for your language), and possibly filter on username (so a 'trusted' coder will be able to break some rules), so you can deny a commit if the code is not adequate.

Best solution: getting your coworker to play nice, but that might be even more work.

That's not a bad thought. I probably shouldn't consider tying pre-commit hooks into something which actually compiled the code. I have in the past set up auto-build scripts which emailed everyone when something broke, and that does help -- at least you know within a few hours when something's gone wrong and you can fix it.
+1  A: 

I'm going to suggest that this is a technical problem: your architect doesn't know how to introduce change to a live system (even if it's only live to the developers).

For example, he's (apparently) not starting with a stub, then adding functionality gradually, altering bits of other code in non-breaking ways.

He's probably focusing on the "real work" of his functions, changing all the other code in whatever ways it takes to make his work. I realize that from his point of view, thinking about the "hard parts" seems to be the best approach.

Someone has to bell the cat and ask him to stub things out first. It's not that hard.

That might be a good way of approaching this -- instead of saying, "geez, learn to use the tools already", we can guide from the perspective of saying "here's how we develop so that there's always a working system, even if some gaps aren't filled in yet". That's not always the flavor of the problem, but it is the case sometimes. (Other times, the problem is making a change so that X now works, but Y is subtly broken. We need more test coverage.)

In my opinion, a separate branch is not the solution as you already discovered. There can be several causes for this person breaking the build:

  1. He is commiting incomplete features: solution is to explain him that he shouldn't do that. The previous answer about 'stubbing' is good.

  2. He is working in different things at once. It is not advisable to do so, at least in the same working copy. If he really has the need to work in different features at the same time, I would suggest that he uses different working copies in the same machine, one for each feature. This can help him clarify his mind about what is he doing at each period of time, and also he would suffer in his own flesh when one commit in one wc breaks the build for the other wc's.

I like that. I sometimes do it myself when juggling my own work vs. merging work, for example. There's a very small overhead in terms of switching back and forth between different working copies, but I've got scripts to set that and to query the current status, so I know it's not too hard.

He might look into using git-svn to juggle the multiple tasks he's working on and commit features to trunk only when they are ready. But that's really not that different than using svn to create multiple temporary branches.

Right. We actually have a person who's using git-svn to do his own thing in git while working with the rest of us in svn. (As you might imagine, he's not a problem!) I have not used git myself, although I've read quite a bit about it; I suspect it would be easier to teach him to use branches properly.