



Suppose I have a directory on Linux with a bunch of files and subdirectories. This is that root directory:

drwxr-xr-x  13 user1 group1    4096 May  7 15:58 apps

Now, I only want to alter the group portion of those permissions. I want to alter it such that it matches exactly the owner portion. The result for that directory would be:

drwxrwxr-x  13 user1 group1    4096 May  7 15:58 apps

But, I want a script or command to do this automatically, not just for that directory but for every subdirectory and file recursively under it. Any one know how?


+3  A: 

Give this a try (test it first):

chmod -R g=u apps

The = copies the permissions when you specify a field (u, g or o) on the right side or sets it absolutely when you specify a permission (r, w or x) on the right.

Dennis Williamson
yes seems to work perfectly

That's simple...

chmod g=u <file>

Regards Markus
