



I have an iPhone app that I've converted to a universal app.

The app works fine in all orientation on the iPhone. However on iPad when I rotate a table view, the UITableViewCell accessory is not repositioned correctly (see images below). I'm using a standard UITableViewCell of type UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle. The rest of view is drawn correctly and uses all the iPad real estate. The XIB files are the same for the iPad and iPhone, except for the MainWindow.xib.

After scrolling down and backup, the accessory are redrawn at the correct position.

Does anyone know what could be causing that issue?

EDIT: If I remove the index list on the right, the problem disappears!

Portrait orientation:

alt text

And when I rotate to landscape:

alt text

After scrolling down 2 cells and up again, the cell is refreshed and the accessory drawn at the correct position:

alt text


This very well could be a bug and I'd recommend you file a bug report at

But for what it's worth, I don't think you should use a disclosure indicator along with an index -- none of the Apple apps feature this pattern. I was doing this myself until I noticed how Apple avoided it.

Shaggy Frog
I haven't found a solution so far (besides calling reloadData in didRotateFromOrientation) so I filed a bug report.