



Can the ipad be a productivity improvement tool for software developers. What tools are out there to help while being away from my main work station or laptop ?

Are there remote tools available and is touch screen in this case a positive or negative factor ?

+2  A: 

I use iTap RDP. I VPN in and use that app to get instant access to my workstation without actually having to be there. I wouldn't do a lot of work there, but it's great for doing those one or two things that 'gee if I was at my desk...' could solve.

Wayne Hartman
Thanks Wayne. I agree it is more for 'gee if I was at my desk ..'

" while being away..." Help with what?

Most of your stadard remote tools are available (SSH, RDP, VNC) but I would think in general they would be a lot more beneficial to sysadmins who can resolve problems without being at their desk, or in the office (Jump Desktop + VPN + 3G = WIN when a service crashes when you are at a conference).

However, I don't see how it would help with software development at all.


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