I want to build a lightweight linux configuration to use for development. The first idea is to use it inside a Virtual Machine under Windows, or old Laptops with 1Gb RAM top. Maybe even a distributable environment for developers.
So the whole idea is to use a LAMP server, Java Application Server (Tomcat or Jetty) and X Windows (any Window manager, from FVWM to Enlightment), Eclipse, maybe jEdit and of course Firefox.
Edit: I am changing this post to compile a possible list of distros and window managers that can be used to configure a real lightweight development environment.
I am using as base personal experiences on this matter. Info about the distros can be easily found in their sites. So please, focus on personal use of those systems
Ubuntu / Xubuntu
- Personal Experience in old systems or low RAM environment - @Schroeder, @SCdF
- Several sugestions based on personal knowledge - @Kyle, @Peter Hoffmann
- Suggested as best performance in a wise install/configuration - @Ryan
Damn Small Linux
- Main focus is the lightweight factor - 50MB LiveCD - @Ryan
- Very versatile, can be configured for both heavy and lightweight computers - @Ryan
- APT as package manager - @Kyle
- Based on compatibility and usability - @Kyle
-- Fell Free to add Prós and Cons on this, so we can compile a good Reference. -- X Windows suggestion keep coming about XFCE. If others are to add here, open a session for it Like the distro one :)