I’m using this equation to convert steps to estimated calories lost.
I now need to do the opposite and convert total calories to estimated steps.
This is the equation I’m using for steps to calories:
+(CGFloat) totalCalories:(NSUInteger)TotalStepsTaken weight:(CGFloat)PersonsWeight{
CGFloat TotalMinutesElapsed = (float)TotalStepsTaken / AverageStepsPerMinute; //Average Steps Per Minute is Equal to 100
CGFloat EstimatedCaloriesBurned = PersonsWeight * TotalMinutesElapsed * Walking3MphRate; //Walking3MphRate = 0.040;
return EstimatedCaloriesBurned;
It’s written in Objective-C, but I tried to make it as readable as possible.
All calculations are being done over a 1 hour period.
Thank you for you help.