



I am merging a branch back into trunk using re-intergrate. The dry run succeeds without any conflicts so I proceed to merge and get the following error

Working copy 'D:\Repositories\FwCore\' locked Error reading spooled Report request response Please execute 'Cleanup' command

Cleanup does not do anything. I have merged the trunk into the branch so that I can merge the branch back into trunk without problems. This has worked before, but now I am running into this problem and I have no idea what to do, not to mention is very frustrating. Any help would be appreciated.


Found this on the net -- looks like the same situation as yours.. perhaps you can get some insight with this

Critical Skill
Thanks for the link. That seems to be very similar to my by the author of thread does not explain how he/she solved the problem

Finally solved the issue. It can be quick or very long depending on how much you changed in your branch. In my case, the problem was deleting a folder named Framework (in the branch, while the Trunk's Framework folder was untouched) and then creating the same folder at a later stage in the branch in the same place [I had a couple of other renames/deletions similar to this]. This caused the confusion for SVN. The other problem was renaming a folder and then subsequently deleting it.

On to the fix:

  • Follow the steps in this answer first
  • Switch to your trunk
  • Now start a "Reintegrate a branch"
  • Perform a full merge (not a dry run) and see where the problem folders are
  • Now Revert back any changes, and go to each one of these folders and do a "Merge of a range of revisiosn"
  • Go through the log and select only the revision that deleted/renamed the folder
  • Now commit those changes - this is very important (this will delete/rename the folder in trunk)
  • Now perform another reintegration on the folder, this time for the next rename/deletion/addition/commit of the problem folder
  • Keep doing this until you have no more additions/renames/deletions of the problem folder
  • Make sure you commit every time you make a change, otherwise things will go bad again
  • Perform these steps on all the problem folders
  • Once all the problem folders have been fixed, perform a "Reintegrate a branch" one more time on trunk itself. This time everything should go smoothly. If there is another tree conflict, revert changes, and perform the above steps on the problem folder

I have been able to reproduce this problem on a 'dummy' repository. I will submit a suggestion to tortoise SVN team to take this kind of situation into account and let it perform the steps automatically when re-integrating branches
