




Hi guyz. Today had a look at form layout

<mx:Form id="form">
        <mx:FormItem label="horizontal:">
            <mx:Text text="test"/>

gives the output in the format 'label' - 'textbox'. But i want to change the orientation without changing the code. Like



How can i do that. Please explain in detail.

Thanks and Regards,

Karthik Jayaraman


I think you'll have to override the formItem code and change the way it positions it's children.

I doubt it is trivial, but I wouldn't expect it to be hard. Open up the Form code and review updateDisplayList().


Your example is not very clear but using the examples below perhaps it will clarify what you are asking

    <mx:Form id="form">
            <mx:FormItem label="Layout Demo:">
                <mx:TextInput text="Input 1"/>
                <mx:TextInput text="Input 2"/>

Will render as:

"Layout Demo: | Input 1 |"      
              | Input 2 |

If you want to change it to render horizontally as:

"Layout Demo: | Input 1 |  | Input 2 |" 

add the attribute direction="horizontal" to the <mx:FormItem>


I've done this, with the label vertically above the form item in Flex 3, and it was not pretty. It worked, but it wasn't the most stable and required a serious amount of hacking of the Component Life Cycle methods.

In Flex 4, the new skinning model fixes this, use that if possible, coming in the Hero release (http://blog.flexexamples.com/2010/08/28/creating-a-simple-spark-form-in-flex-hero/).

Here are the relevant bits of the code I used to override in Flex 3 and is one approach to it, YMMV.

NB This component had a lot more in it, I took stuff out so is given as a rough guide to how I approached it, it may not run as is, but with some tweaking it should be okay.

package my.controls
import flash.display.DisplayObject;

import mx.containers.FormItem;
import mx.containers.FormItemDirection;
import mx.core.EdgeMetrics;
import mx.core.IDeferredInstance;
import mx.core.UIComponent;
import mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration;
import mx.styles.StyleManager;

 * Allows positioning of the FormItem labels to be as inherited from FormItem, or
 * allows for top alignment of labels whilst resizing form elements to fill width
 * of parent container.
 * <p>Possible values are: <code>left</code>; and <code>top</code>.</p>
 * <p>Default value is: left.</p>
[Style(name="labelAlign", type="String", enumeration="left,top", inherit="no")]

public class MyFormItem extends FormItem
    private static const labelAlignStyleName:String = "labelAlign";

    private static var classConstructed:Boolean = constructCustomStyle();

    private var _isFormItemLabelTopAligned:Boolean;

    private var _hasFormItemLabel:Boolean;

     * This calls the super.commitProperties() method and then sets instance variables
     * indicating on whether the labels should be top aligned, and also if there is
     * a non zero length string as the label value.
    override protected function commitProperties():void

        if (label != null && label.length > 0)
            _hasFormItemLabel = true;

        if (getStyle(labelAlignStyleName) == "top")
            _isFormItemLabelTopAligned = true;

     * After calling the super.measure() method, a check is made to see if there is a label
     * value, and if the label is top aligned.  If so, it modifies the measuredHeight and
     * measuredMinHeight to include the height of the label, plus the indicatorGap style value
    override protected function measure():void

        //If this is top aligned, then change the height of this component
        if (_isFormItemLabelTopAligned)
            if (_hasFormItemLabel)
                var addedHeight:Number = itemLabel.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() + getStyle(indicatorGapStyleName);

                //Add the height of the label
                measuredHeight = measuredHeight + addedHeight;
                measuredMinHeight = measuredMinHeight + addedHeight;

            //Ignore any measured width we may get, caclulate the width as being the greater of the label or child
            var children:Array = getChildren();
            var maxChildWidth:Number = 0;

            //Usually there is only 1 child, but code for in case there are more
            for each (var child:DisplayObject in children)
                var uiComp:UIComponent = child as UIComponent;
                maxChildWidth = Math.max(maxChildWidth, uiComp.getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth());

            //Set the measurement
            measuredWidth = measuredMinWidth = Math.max(itemLabel.getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth(),

     * <p>Checks for label top alignment and if so, changes the location of label to be
     * moved to the top left of the container.  It then proceeds to layout the children depending on
     * whether the <code>MyFormItem.direction</code> property is horizontal or vertical.</p>
    override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void
        super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);

        if (_isFormItemLabelTopAligned)
            //Anchor the label to the top left of the container
            if (_hasFormItemLabel)
                var vm:EdgeMetrics = viewMetricsAndPadding;
                itemLabel.move(vm.left, vm.top);

            //Depending on the layout of the MyFormItem items, take appropriate action
            if (numChildren > 0)
                if (direction == FormItemDirection.VERTICAL)



     * <p>Given that labelAlign is set to be top aligned, this method works out the  new
     * positioning and size of the vertically aligned children.  It uses the <code>verticalGap</code>
     * style property to set a width between the children.</p>
    protected function moveVerticalLayoutWithTopLabel():void
        var vm:EdgeMetrics = viewMetricsAndPadding;
        var commonX:Number = vm.left;

        var child:UIComponent;
        var previousChild:UIComponent = null;
        var newY:Number = vm.top + (_hasFormItemLabel ? (itemLabel.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() + getStyle(indicatorGapStyleName)) : 0);
        var availableWidth:Number = this.width - getStyle("paddingLeft") - getStyle("paddingRight");

        for (var i:Number = 0; i < numChildren; i++)
            //Calculate the new Y value of the child including the vertical gap
            if (previousChild != null)
                newY = newY + previousChild.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() + getStyle("verticalGap");

            child = UIComponent(getChildAt(i));
            child.move(commonX, newY);

            //If these children are percentWidths, then set the size of them as we have more width now
            if (!isNaN(child.percentWidth))
                var childSize:Number = availableWidth * (child.percentWidth / 100);
                child.setActualSize(childSize, child.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight());

            previousChild = child;

     * <p>Given that labelAlign is set to be top aligned, this method works out the  new
     * positioning and size of the horizontal aligned children.  It uses the <code>horizontalGap</code>
     * style property to set a width between the children.</p>
    protected function moveHorizontalLayoutWithTopLabel():void
        var child:UIComponent;
        var previousChild:UIComponent = null;
        var vm:EdgeMetrics = viewMetricsAndPadding;
        var commonY:Number = vm.top + (_hasFormItemLabel ? (itemLabel.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight() + getStyle(indicatorGapStyleName)) : 0);
        var newX:Number = vm.left;
        var availableWidth:Number = this.width - getStyle("paddingLeft") - getStyle("paddingRight");

        for (var i:int = 0; i < numChildren; i++)
            //Calculate the new X postion of the child taking into account of the label move
            if (previousChild != null)
                newX = newX + previousChild.width + getStyle("horizontalGap");

            child = UIComponent(getChildAt(i));
            child.move(newX, commonY);

            //If these children are percentWidths, then set the size of them as we have more width now
            if (!isNaN(child.percentWidth))
                var childSize:Number = availableWidth * (child.percentWidth / 100);
                child.setActualSize(childSize, child.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight());

            previousChild = child;

    private function findAndRemoveIndicator():void
        if (!required)

        var indicatorClass:Class = getStyle("indicatorSkin") as Class;
        var rawChildrenLength:int = rawChildren.numChildren;

        for (var i:int = 0; i < rawChildrenLength; i++)
            var displayObject:DisplayObject = rawChildren.getChildAt(i);
            if (displayObject is indicatorClass)

     * A convenience method to register a style with the StyleManager and create the necessary
     * defaults.
    private static function constructCustomStyle():Boolean
        const className:String = "MyFormItem";
        const defaultLabelAlignment:String = "left";
        const defaultIndicatorGap:Number = 2;

        if (!classConstructed)
            var style:CSSStyleDeclaration = StyleManager.getStyleDeclaration(className);

            if (style)
                if (style.getStyle(labelAlignStyleName) == undefined)
                    style.setStyle(labelAlignStyleName, defaultLabelAlignment);
                style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
                style.defaultFactory = function():void
                    this[labelAlignStyleName] = defaultLabelAlignment;

                StyleManager.setStyleDeclaration(className, style, true);
        return true;

     * Calls super.styleChanged() method.
     * If the labelAlign style changes, then the component is invalidated as
     * its properties and size recalculated as well as being redrawn.
    override public function styleChanged(styleProp:String):void

        // Check to see if style changed. 
        if (styleProp == labelAlignStyleName)


David Collie