What abstraction is is effectively outlined in the link Tesserex posted. To your professor's point about adding an additional burden on the program, this is actually fairly true. However, the burden in modern systems is negligible. Think of it in terms of what actually happens when you call a method: each additional method you call requires adding a number of additional data structures to the stack and then handling the return values also placed on the stack. So for instance, calling
c = add(a, b);
which looks something like
public int add(int a, int b){
return a + b;
requires pushing two integers onto the stack for the parameters and then pushing an additional one onto the stack for the return value. However, no memory interaction is required if both values are already in registers -- it's a simple, one-instruction call. Given that memory operations are much slower than register operations, you can see where the notion of a performance hit comes from.
Ultimately, every method call you make is going to increase the overhead of your program a little bit. However as @Tesserex points out, it's minute in most modern computer systems and as @Andrew Barber points out, that compromise is usually totally dwarfed by the increase in programmer efficiency.