



I'd like to run a command to execute a subversion command from the TFS custom activity. Should I create a msbuild script to exec the svn command and call msbuild from the activity?

Thanks. Anyone?

+1  A: 

You can also add an InvokeProcess activity to the build process template.

See for more information on how to modify the build process template.

Ewald Hofman
It appears that InvokeProcess can run a batch file. In my case, all I need to run is a simple command and do a bunch of other things that's perfect for a custom activity. Is there a way to do this within the activity (powershell maybe)?
You can call a powershell script also from the InvokeProcess. You can also create a custom CodeActivity to perform your actions. In my blog posts you can find how you can create a custom CodeActivity.
Ewald Hofman
I understand how to create a custom activity. I am not sure how to run a command line command from C# code
You can use the ProcessStartInfo for that:
Ewald Hofman
@Ewald - Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I ended up createing a MSBuild script and calling it from MSBuild activity. It works fine except that the MSBuild script attempts to copy some files to the Build directory and it fails with a unable to access error. My guess is that the main TFS build is holding a lock on the directory while MSBuild runs and tries to copy files there. Any thoughts on resolving this issue? Thanks
Setting a lock would not be the problem. I think that the credentials you run the code under has no access to the directory. You can isolate this by giving everyone Full Access to the Build directory.
Ewald Hofman