




I want to detect what application generated a core dump on OS X.

How can I find this information? Runing file core.1234 does not give the application name, online something like Mach-O 64-bit core x86_64.

+1  A: 

You use otool:

$ otool -c core.1234

for more, see man page. More magics can be found in this fantastic document Mac OS X debugging magic.

Sorry but this looks borken, here is the output: `Argument strings on the stack at: 00007fff5fc00000load command 173 size not a multiple of 8load command 174 size not a multiple of 8load command 175 size not a multiple of 8load command 176 size not a multiple of 8`
Sorin Sbarnea
There is nothing from with the core file, i checked with others and had the same result. And thanks, the doc you linked to seams really interesting.
Sorin Sbarnea