I have created a Silverlight User Control. The markup is:
<StackPanel Grid.Row="4" Grid.Column="0" Orientation="Horizontal" Width="Auto" Margin="5">
<Button Content="OK" Margin="0,0,5,5" MinWidth="50" Command="{Binding OKCommand}" />
The code behind declares a Dependency property 'OKCommand' as:
public ICommand OKCommand
return (ICommand)GetValue(OKCommandProperty);
SetValue(OKCommandProperty, value);
public static readonly DependencyProperty OKCommandProperty
= DependencyProperty.Register("OKCommand", typeof(ICommand), typeof(TestUserControl), new PropertyMetadata(null, OKCommandProperty_PropertyChangedCallback));
private static void OKCommandProperty_PropertyChangedCallback(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
Now I want to use the user control on another page where which is the View & the ViewModel defines the command to which I want the OKCommand to be bound. The XAML markup is as such:
<local:TestControl OKCommand="{Binding Path=TestControlOk}"/>
However when I click the button it does not execute anything. Any clues as to what I am doing wrong here.