I am attempting to read an H264 AVI file on OSX with Matlab, but it appears that the video is corrupted. When I display the frame it appears that the image is segmented by vertical grey lines and I can see a segmented and faded version of the actual image data repeated 3 times within the same frame. On my windows box I am able to read in the frame successfully without any issue using the same code/avi. Here are my specs:
Mac OSX 10.6.4
Matlab (R2009a) Student Version
Quicktime 10.0 with Perian_1.2.1 codec plugin
AVI File:
60 Frames per second
Quicktime is able to successfully play the file with the Perian plugin.
Here is the example code I am using to display the file:
imshow(read ( vid_obj, k ));
Any ideas?